A downloadable game

Pocket 8 Ball is a fast card game that adapts one of the billiard games. Two players try to win in this singleton, with each release getting stronger and stronger. In the game, you will build your deck of cards, which during the game will introduce new ones. Dices provide a greater random result on the board because even the best-calculated strikes with the card do not always end the way you think they should.

Instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iF5_TsmsNpydPWTNifO5Yxlo7jPLsR5zZDh8xUNqbTw/...

Play pool like never before :)

Notice.  Strength defines which dice you should use. (10 means 10-sided dice).

Shoot (Zwykłe uderzenie)6Make a shot with strength 10.
Missed Shot
4 Make a shot with strength 10 but you can’t pocket any ball.
Lucky Shot
(Szczęśliwy traf)
2Replace cue ball with one of yours on board. Selected ball will be pocketed.
Cue Chalk
4Make a shot with strength 10, you can modify result by 2.
(Zmysł taktyczny)
2Passive. Since now you can have up to 4 cards in hand.
Precise Shot
(Strzał mierzony)
4Make a shot with strength 10. You can reroll a dice once.
Reverse Rotation
(Rotacja wsteczna)
4Make a shot with strength 6. White ball after the first contact can goes back to 2 fields.
Power Shot
(Silne uderzenie)
4Make a shot with strength 2x 10. 
Spin Shot
4Make a shot with strength 8. The white ball may miss the first group of balls in its path.
Flying Ball
4Make a shot with strength  6. The white ball may miss all group of balls in its path.
4Reaction card. You can modify the result on the opponent's dice by 2. You can not have more than 2 of the cards in your deck.


Pocket8.pdf 780 kB